It is commonplace that the inability of the European Union and its
governments to manage the refugee crisis and even to explain the
complexities which prevent them to find the solution ("For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong"
- H.L.Mencke) helps extremist to increase their popularity. But the
Hungarian government is not an extremist (it just uses extreme
statements to lure voters from the far right), was not able to manage
the crisis within its own country correctly and there is no "mainstream"
(real) force which could be blamed for being soft.
The explanation can be found in the attitudes and communication messages.
is clear that people are worried, there are real and imaginary reasons
behind that. And we know, that people are looking for messages that
reinforce their attitudes, not which contradict them (as we know from Klapper).
And this they find in media which are either promoting the government's
or Jobbik's (the extreme right party) point of view. hey just
exaggerate a little, and by that reinforce the fears, add food by
transmitting seemingly true information about an even bigger danger
(spreading diseases, being terrorists, refugees being financed by
obscure forces, be it the Islamic State to conquer Europe or the Jews or
Americans wanting to bring down Europe - not being disturbed by the
contradiction between these two messages, throwing away food, etc.
etc.). As soon as the danger is perceived, all actions are justified to
keep these people far, to incarcerate, humiliate them, send them
anywhere but not here. And the effectivity of these measures is not
questioned. It is also useless that after two days, all of these menaces
prove to be untrue, based on falsified evidence or certified by
"experts" who have no expertise and were eventually agents of the
communist system. The message is there and all previous wrongdoing is
excused, news about continuing or new scandals ignored.
However, the increase in popularity does not compensate for the total loss suffered since the tentative to introduce and Internet tax. And the Hungarians are still in favour of an European solution, as surveys show.